• TNR program for Jackson County community cats (feral and stray). Since the fall of 2016, The Big Fix has worked with the towns of Crothersville, Medora, Seymour and surrounding areas to trap, spay/neuter, rabies vaccinate, and ear tip over 501 community cats. Many thanks goes to Brownstown Veterinary Clinic for performing over 324 of these spay/neuter surgeries. By altering 501 Jackson County community cats in two years, the birth of an estimated 33,567 kittens has been prevented. Continuing this effort will have a dramatic effect on the community cat population in coming years.
• Spay/Neuter Transports for Jackson County Pets. As surgery dates become available, The Big Fix provides an opportunity for Jackson County cats and dogs to be transported from Jackson County to Pets Alive Spay Neuter Clinic in Bloomington where they are spayed or neutered ($130 for dogs and $90 for cats) and have the opportunity to receive a variety of other veterinary services. Proof of rabies is required on the day of transport or an additional $20 will be charged for rabies vaccination. Pets can be spayed or neutered as early as 8 weeks of age as long as they weigh at least 2 pounds and have received the recommended vaccinations.
• Financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to spay and neuter their cats and dogs. Pet Friendly Services of Indiana's SNAP certificates help income-qualified pet owners pay as little as $50 per surgery. Currently, SNAP certificates are accepted at Brownstown Veterinary Hospital and Seymour Animal Hospital as well as other veterinarian offices and low cost spay/neuter clinics outside of Jackson County.
• Working Cats for Hire! Many feral and stray cats, sometimes referred to as barn cats, are not the typical snuggly, cuddly domesticated house cat. The barn cat name comes from cats' ability to help control the age-old rodent and pest problem in places such as barns, horse stables, feed and grain stores, businesses, factories, county clubs, and old buildings. All the cats ask for in return is shelter, food, water, and care. There is no adoption fee for the spayed or neutered and vaccinated working cats, but a donation will help ensure future cats will be able to join the program and go to work. Working cats will be transported to you, and supplies will be provided to help your working cat adapt to their new environment, including: food, bedding, litter box and litter.
• Have Microchips Will Travel. Microchipping has been responsible for the safe return of many lost pets to their homes. A microchip can’t get lost because it remains under the pet’s skin, although it may move a little from the site of implant. Unlike an identity tag, it won’t fall off or become difficult to read. The Big Fix of Jackson County offers an opportunity to microchip cats and dogs in pet owners’ homes. For $25, a Big Fix volunteer will come to your home, insert the microchip, and register the microchip chip to the owner.
As one of the programs operating under the umbrella of the Humane Society of Jackson County, The Big Fix is a collaboration between Jackson County animal welfare organizations (Humane Society of Jackson County, Jackson County Dog Shelter, Red Sky Rescue, and SOS Animal Rescue) working to reduce companion animal overpopulation through spay and neuter.
For more information or to request assistance via one of The Big Fix projects, please email thebigfixjacksoncounty@gmail.com or contact: Leslie Fittro (812) 276-3070.
If you would like to help The Big Fix accomplish its goals, please consider becoming a volunteer or making a donation.
Please "Like" us on Facebook to follow our progress.
When you purchase or renew your Pet Friendly license plate, $25 goes directly to support Pet Friendly Services of Indiana (SNSI) which in turn has help pay for the community cat spay/neuter surgeries.
If you are interested in making a donation, click on Donate button below or send your check made payable to the “Humane Society of Jackson County" (or HSJC) with “The Big Fix” noted in the memo line and mail to: The Big Fix at Humane Society of Jackson County, P.O. Box 135, Seymour, IN 47274.
Because The Big Fix is an all-volunteer not-for-profit organization, 100% of donated funds go towards spaying/neutering Jackson County cats & dogs.